Sunday, October 30, 2011

New structure&Happy(Early)Halloween?

So yesterday I was kind of bored :P Because the last few days consisted of tons of homeworks, exams, tests etc etc. It was really strange for me to just "chill" (  ゚,_ゝ゚)...not that I´m begging for work o.o but I really got bored and decided to cut my hair since I´ve bought a hair cutter razor thingy when I was in Asia.

Since I´ve realized that my hair is pretty...boring-looking(?) because it had no structure or anything else exept some waves~ It was time to give it a new look!

So here we are~
my Hair originally with some layers

To be honest, I was kind of nervous also, because my hair is the only part of me which looks "good" and I treat them really carefully. x.x  Besides I´ve never cut any hairs to a "new" hairstyle...I´ve cut bangs and hair tips but that doesn´t count, right?

Well, I had sectured my hair into the half first and then in many many maaaany small parts, so the layers will be defined somehow...and started to cut~

(left) I´ve clipped the lower part away to concentrate on the upper hair~

 (,,#゚Д゚) Does it look "OK" ? hmm...if´s already too late~ my hair grows in slow motion  <.<"
forgot to censor my face D: no make up= weird looking on photos

Btw the German part will come soon. Tomorrow I´ll be on a Halloween Party and haven´t decided for a costume now~

I´ve some Geisha, a mystical creature (will use tons of colourful make up) or the woman from "The Ring" o.ö which would definitely fit to the category "horrible&fear". My sister said that my wig reminds her of "red cap" LOL! which could be also an option.

I wonder how you guys look like tomorrow o.o"  HAPPY EARLY HALLOWEEN :D <3

BTW CAN SOMEONE TELL ME HOW TO ROTATE IT?! ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ  I´ve used a program already to rotate it...but when I uploaded it changes automatically to the original position!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


This Colour = German/ Deutsch
This Colour = English

Damn! He´s really my important man in my life :D and nope. I´m not talking of my not existing Lover haha.
So Mr.Important came back and brought me these delicious sweets from Asia and I was kind of slobbering when I´ve seen it! The shop is really god-like! If you pass by one day randomly...GO IN!!!
btw I bought a new lipstick. The colour amazed me too much to not buy it!!!

Heute gibt es mal nur wieder Ess-Bilder aus Asien! :D Der glaub ich fast wichtigste Mann in meinem Leben kam am Wochenende zurück und hatte mir sie da gekauft am Flughafen (Dieser Shop ist so göttlich!) *-* Ach ya ich rede nicht von meinem nicht existierenden Freund!o.o

(*・∀・)/♡\(・∀・*) Have a look!

Pancakes,mini cakes with pineapple and fish cake with red bean

COOKIES!!! (dont know which flavour but on the right side it´s coconut)
I´ve tried this one already and it´s soo yummi that I´m addicted to it lol!
Das Rechte ist wie Kokosnusskrokant und schmeckt richtig gut :D! Starker Kokosnussgeschmack und wenig Zucker <3
Chocolate Cookies. The package looks so beautiful that I don´t want to open it D: btw It´s not the full size!

Mochi with sweet red bean paste<3
I´ve eaten Mochi several times with other fillings already and I like the red bean paste very much since it is healthy AND delicious. Red bean is a popular element for Asian desserts! :D
I know that most of you will look like that now -> (>o<) or ∑(O_O;)  Because red beans are vegetables in your mind, which can not be used as desserts! But should try it first before having any prejudices!

Ich habe schon öfters Mochi gegessen und ich find Grüntee und rote Bohnen Paste am Leckersten! :D Ich weiß was einige denken..."iih rote Bohnen als Nachtisch!!! ist doch Gemüse D:".
Ehrlich...probiert es aus und erst danach ein Urteil aussprechen ;) Nicht umsonst wird diese Paste am Meisten als 
 Nachtisch in Asien benutzt! :D
Green Tea CAKE it´s not a cookie even when it´s written on the package xD It´s not´s more like a small cake!


and yea these are egg puffs<333 not available in a store or any shops! only on the streets :D He knows what I need *-*
When I was in Hong Kong I´ve eaten tons of egg puffs and also once with chocolate!!! Still I like the original flavour more x3
The funny thing smells really like coconut xD but it´s not coconut flavoured!

SKITTLES!!! ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ I luv colourful sweets

(*・_・) Somehow I can´t turn it properly..I´m sorry guys. I bought a new lipstick again O(≧∇≦)O It´s PINK! not as red in the picture and I will do a review about my lipsticks this week.

Have a nice day, my cuties \(^▽^*)

(いらっしゃい / Irasshai)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Berlin is full of LOVE.

This Colour = German /Deutsch
This Colour = English

Just some random pictures I took in Berlin. I hope that I can fill the post later on with muuuch more "Love".
So stay tuned, kay kay? ♥

I´ve found this quote...even when i´m not into politics. I quiet like his opinion :D

Ein paar Bilder, die ich in Berlin geschossen habe. Ich hoffe, dass ich diesen Post noch ergänzen werde.
Selbst wenn ich mich nicht so sehr für Politik interessiere, find ich dass dieses Zitat durchaus Stil hat.

"Berlin is poor, but sexy."
             "Berlin ist arm, aber sexy."

By Klaus Wowereit. (German Politician)

My favourite one. Found the sticker on a garbage can. ♥ Lovely right?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Amazing handcraft (Polymer Clay / Fimo)

This Colour = German
This Colour = English

Just want to show some pictures of a friend´s work. I bet you´ve already worked with clay when you was a small child. You loved your work, but you couldn´t keep your fingers away and deformed it?
Then just try Fimo or Polymere clay. You can bake it or just let it dry so they´ve no chance to get deformed! One day when I was bored and searched in the internet for something sweet e.g. Deco den. I found amazing and cute figures from ppl and since I´ve got a friend who likes handwork...I bought some polymere clay and we both began to let our creativity free. I made a lot of tiny foods (fruits, cookies, cake, ice cream, muffin, smileys, dango and lots of different dishes), hearts, roses, ribbons etc. but during this friend concentrated on big works...I was really impressed and astonished by her talent.

Heute möchte ich euch die wunderbare Welt von Knete zeigen :D Als ich mal gelangweilt vor dem PC saß, hatte ich auf Youtube nach süßen Sachen gesucht wie Deco Den. (Ich bin sowieso voll fasziniert&inspiriert von Japan, aber auch von Korea und China.). Ich war so sehr begeistert davon, dass ich sofort Fimoknete geholt habe. Ich mein jeder hatte schonmal mit Knete als kleines Kind gearbeitet, aber schließlich doch wieder verformt zu was anderem, weil die Masse nicht hart wird. Deshalb hatte ich kein bedenken, darüber dass ich sowas atemberaubendes nicht hinkriege und alles verschwende. Ich habe eine Freundin, die sehr gerne Sachen herstellt mit ihre Händen. Also bin ich zu ihr gegangen und haben beide damit gearbeitet. Während ich so kleine Figuren und Sachen hergestellt habe wie Kekse,Früchte, Schokoladenblöcke, Torten/Kuchen, Eis, Muffin, Smileys, Dango und andere Gerichte, hat meine Freundin in der Zeit sich an größere Projekte "gewagt". Ich war echt erstaund und beeindruckt von ihre Kreativität.

Have a look.

Cute lil Girl and a BIG FLUFFY ice cream or muffin (?)

Recognize this cute little black guy? Yupp. It´s black MOKONA <3 sooo loveable! just ignore the dust xD
...and there´s white MOKONA <33
LOOK AT THIS!!! For her first is...incredible! ♥

Her 2nd project, which is obviously not finished.

And we ate Vietnamnese food. I thought it would be Omelett filled with crabs and vegetables...but it was somewhat like a PANCAKE!
Look at our dessert *-* soo cute <333 My friend bought it in Vietnam and wanted to wait for me and share it with me. Such a cute girl<3
When I looked at it...I didn´t feel like eating it...the shape and form is so cute >.< I like piggies <3 But finally I cut it into pieces. It tasted like mooncake..and should be a big mooncake.

Am Ende hatten wir Vietnamnesisch gegessen. Zuerst dachte ich, dass vor mir ein Omelett mit Krabben und Salate lag, aber es schmeckte und war glaub ich ein Pfannkuchen. Wie ich mich immer täuschen lasse...traurig.
Dieses Schwein war unser Nachtisch *-* So süß und professionell geformt oder? Es war ein Mondkuchen<3
Am liebsten hätt ich den für immer so gelassen, aber andererseits würde es auch verschimmeln, was sehr Schade wäre. Da meine Freundin das aus Vietnam mitgebracht und extra auf mich gewartet hatte um den mit mir zu teilen, musste ich natürlich das arme Ding aufschneiden.♥

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Review: Balea Feuchtigkeits Haarmilch (Aprikose+Milch) & Alverde Repair- Haarspitzenfluid (Traube Avocado) Part 2

This Colour = German
This Colour = English

WOOHOO!! Lazy Meow will continue and finish the post with a part 2!


For ppl, who can´t read German: I will talk about the orange bottle (left)and after that I will do this short review in German.
So I´ve been using the moisture milk (with apricot and milk) for a month I suppose. I use it every time after washing my hair and when my hair feels dry. I was kind of addicted to it at the beginning, because the smell is AWESOME! I could sniff at my hair the whole day...but of course I haven´t done such a creepy least not in the public *q* ho ho ho~
I remember when I´ve used this moisture for the first time. My sister was like 2 rooms away and shouted: "OMG WHAT ARE U EATING AGAIN?? ICE CREAM??"
Me: "huh what?"
she:"It smells so intensive and delicious!"
So from this reaction I could tell that you don´t need any perfumes lolol. I got it from DM (Drugstore from Germany) for somewhat around 2€~. There´s 200ml in the bottle. It last for some monthes, I guess...because it´s still 3/4 full and I use it once a day at least! My hair reaches my chest and the structure is thick. btw my ends are dry, which leads to spliss ends. That´s actually my main reason for getting a moisturizer.
After massaging it in your hair and ends, brush your hair gently and let it "dry", but you can also continue with styling or blow drying your hair. It says that you should apply it when your hair is sitll wet, but in my point of view it works much better with half dried hair.

All in all, I really like this product because it moisturises my hair in a beautiful and soft way and it reaaaaally smells yummi<33 The promise of the product is to safe and recover your hair from damages and pollutions and the best thing is...I can´t find any silicones in the ingredients, which is another argument to give it 5/5 stars <3.

Endlich werde ich das Review beenden. :D Also ich habe das Feuchtigkeits Haarmilch (Aprikose mit Milch) für einen Monat benutzt und muss sagen dass das mehr als köstlich duftet<3
Mein Haar reicht bis zur Brust und ist relativ dick und voluminös. Dennoch ist noch in der Pumpdose 3/4 von dem Haarmilch, obwohl ich es jeden Tag mind. 1 mal benutze!
Auf der Rückseite steht, dass man es nach der Haarwäsche in das feuchte Haar einmassieren soll, aber ich find es wirkt besser, wenn die Haare halb trocken sind bzw. handtuchtrocken. Nachdem man es aufgetragen hat, muss bzw sollte man es nicht mehr ausspülen.
Es verspricht Schutz vor Föhnhitze und pflegt strapaziertes und trockenes Haar. Eigentlich habe ich auch nur dieses Produkt geholt, weil ich trockene Spitzen habe, was zur Spliss dann führt. Man kann schon sagen, dass das Produkt sein Versprechen hält. Außerdem sind meine Haare wirklich weicher geworden.
Noch ein Argument, was dafür sprichtd as zu kaufen ist, dass bei den Zutaten keine Silikone verwendet wurden. Deshalb gebe ich dieses Produkt 5 von 5 Sterne.
Ach ja, bevor ich es vergesse. Ich habe es von DM (Drogeriemarkt Deutschland) für ca. 2€ gekauft. Es ist so billig, weil das die Eigenmarke von DM ist also keine Sorge!

Good old Berlin feat. HOKUSAI! :D

This Colour = German
This Colour = English

Well well many ppl thinks that museums and gallieries are boring, so do I. But I have to admit that this time was my own will to pay a visit. Kim and Franzi joined me. Ok...Franzi was too late, because of that Kim and I set off first and Franzi came later. Nevertheless we could spent at least15 min. together with Franzi in the museum. Kim and I was there for..approximately 2hours?

(Auf deutsch: An dem Tag waren wir im Martin Gropius Bau um die Bilder von Meister Hokusai zu bestaunen xD Franzi kam zu spät also sind Kim und ich losgefahren, aber sie kam später dazu)

In my point of view, Hokusai was an awesome artist! The pictures are drawn sooo detailled and tidy, which was at that time (I think) not really common. He is the biggest and greatest inspiration and master of the mangas for nowadays. I could see that his pictures deals with courtesans, the society (every class but mostly the mid class and low class ppl e.g. farmers, fishers), nature and ghost stories? There were some pics with female ghosts, the stories are based on the truth.

(Ich find Hokusai hatte ein erstaunliches Talent, wenn es um Kunst&Malerei geht. Man sollte bedenken, dass er die Inspiration und der Gründervater aller Manga ist! Dank ihm haben wir nicht nur zum Teil langweilige Bücher, die nur aus Wörter bestehen! Es gibt natürlich auch gut geschriebene Bücher, aber für dumme und ungebildete Leute, wie ich ist ab und zu ne Zeichnung daneben schon interessanter dargestellt :D Ja ja, ich Höhlenmensch.)

I think my favourite one was a picture of a courtesan and a bird. His work "The fart" can´t leave my mind somehow. rofl. I really had to laugh when I saw the title and the description case. When you think of that the guy who wrote the info was in a serious mood. He was seriously describing the fart!!!

(Am meisten mochte ich das eine Bild von ihm, wo eine Kurtisane und ein Vogel drauf gebildet ist, aber sein Bild "Der Furz" fand ich zu lustig xD Ich stand wirklich davor und hatte ein bißchen gelacht, während andere still davor standen. Ich weiß, dass ich peinlich bin! :D Aber die Vorstellung, dass der Mann oder die Frau, der/die das Infokärtchen geschrieben hat auch noch ernsthaft dabei war den Furz zu beschreiben ist einfach zu lustig :D)

After the visit we just hang around in "Kreuzberg" and I took some random pictures. The atmosphere was really breathtaking, because you can really feel the creativity of the ppl and soul of the area.

"I am EPIC" π =PI

Enjoying the View, btw next to it is the Berliner Mauer

(Nach dem Museumsbesuch waren wir in Kreuzberg und hatten unsere Mägen gestillt mit einem Chicken Döner. Der Döner war sooo himmlisch FRISCH [gefüllt mit Kräutern, fritiertes Gemüse wie Aubergine,Karotten,Kartoffeln usw. mit Schafskäse!!! Diese Kombination hatte ich zum ersten Mal gegessen] und die Gegend einfach atemberaubend)!

There, I´ve eaten the most delicious Chicken Döner in my life!
<3 *slober*
 I´ve never eaten such a fresh Döner with fried eggplants, carrots, potatoes, peppers, feta cheese and fresh herbs!!! It wasn´t expensive at all. lol

Kim´s Döner for veggies!
Having our tummies filled with yummi foods -> continued with exploring "Kreuzberg". I´m not often there so Kim was our personal guide woman!
(Kim hatte uns da herum geführt und schließlich zu einem MÄRCHENWALD gebracht. <3)

Look what I´ve found. THE FAIRY TALE EXISTS!!!

Imagine that next to this MAGICAL PLACE were cars and roads lol. Wonderland meets Real life.
(Neben dieser Park war gleich die Straße mit Caféhäuser usw. -> Realität trifft auf Fantasie)

had a short break


All in all it was a nice tour. I think I should stop painting ridiculous faces and phrases on my pictures lol.
(Im Allgemeinen war der Tag richtig spannend. Da wir die meiste Zeit nur gelaufen sind war ich danach richtig müde x.x Glaub ihr auch, dass ich mit diese komischen Pic-Bearbeitungen aufhören soll? Hab manchmal zu viel lange weile xD..)


Warum schreibt Meow plötzlich auch auf DEUTSCH? o.O

Mein größter Publikum kommt aus Deutschland. Deshalb hab ich beschlossen auch meine ganzen Posts 2 sprachig zu schreiben.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Clean Tech World!

Yeah, i´m not dead yet! o.o suprise surprise~<3 So yesterday I had a classtrip and we visited "Clean Tech World", which is a "trade show" I don´t know how to call it ~.~" I used a translator for it.
First of all, I thought CTW would be an exhibition referring to environmentally solutions, e.g. recycling gabbage etc.etc.~
BUT! I haven´t seen any garbage there lol. (I know, stupid me~)
There were new developed cars especially for an environmentally world, universities showing their products,a stand with cloth etc.
Somehow I was a bit disappointed, because I´ve expected much more. I don´t know what exactly, but I didn´t feel like discovering every stand there at all...I think after a while like 2hours? my friend and me, we sat there and had a chit chat lol.

the stations/stands when you enter the big hall

there were students,who introduced us into their products

When you look out, you could see such a beautiful blue sky and a big sun<3 Loveable weather

Don´t ask me what we´re doing. Just a random picture lol.

hihi I´ve won my duckie, here. The guy was soo friendly, because someone stole my friend´s duck and she could try again to win it. My other friend had won 2prices!

My good-looking buddy.
Chit chatting. I didn´t censore Kim, because....she will start a blog soon and she doesn´t mind it at all!

 I also had a green baloon, but it slipped out of my hand and it made KABOOM at the roof. It was kind of embarrassing, because everyone was shocked and some of them figured out that it was me. rofl.

Even though the event was a nice experience. Talking about the cars, there were some which we could have droven, but since I haven´t got a driver wasn´t possible and just sittng there and watching them having fun is boring.*sigh*

After the classtrip my friends Lynn and Franzi hang around and ate a "Döner" (Turkish dish)